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Vedas and Upanishads - Dr. Sheela Daga - Vedangas

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For a better understanding of Vedic Mantras, detailed literature was created. This literature is known as Vedanga. These are the six Vedangas – Shiksha, Kalpa, Nirukta, Vyakarana, Chhandas and Jyotish.


The method of pronouncing the Vedic Mantras, has been described in the texts on education. Vowels and consonants have been closely considered in every detail.


Kalpasutra texts describe the deeds and karmas stated in the Vedas in the correct order. There are four types of Sutras: Shrautasutra, Grihyasutra, Dharmasutra and Shulvasutra.

Respectively, in the Shrautsutras, the rituals of fire ceremonies are described. The Grihyasutras have a detailed description of special rituals like the Bhootyagya, Pitriya, etc. and formal ceremonies done by all like Upanayana, marriage, Shraddha and others. The Dharmasutras explain in detail the duties of the four varnas and ashrams, especially the king’s duties. In the Shulvasutras, the method of building the altar of ceremonies – yagya has been explained, which introduces the knowledge of the geometry of the ancient Aryans, wise people.


Nirukta adopts the linguistic approach to understanding the meaning of Vedic Mantras. Author Yaskacharya said, “The person who reads the Vedas without knowing the meaning only carries the weight like a pillar. One who studies the Vedas by understanding the meaning has all kinds of welfare.” The importance of the Vedas, their antiquity, and the difficulty in understanding them, contributed to the belief that Vedas are of divine origin.


The form and meaning of the word have been considered in grammar. Everyone is familiar with the subject of grammar.


The Vedas are chanted in meters only. The scripture on meters has great importance for the pronunciation of mantras. The meaning is lost if vowels are not correctly taken care of in the mantra. There are mainly seven meters commonly counted in the Vedas. These are based on the number of letters. Each meter has four more letters than the previous one. They are in the following order - Gayatri (24 letters), Ushnik (28), Anushtup (32), Brihati (36), Pankti (40), Trishtup (44), and Jagati (48). Letters refer to the short and long vowels A, I, U etc. or their length. Half letters are not counted. There are also many other differences within each of them, depending on the line of the stanza. The singing of mantras composed in these meters also differs.


Astrology - This scripture is essential to understand the meaning of the Vedas. At what time should the ceremonies be performed, and so on. By calculating the constellations, Lokmanya Tilak has determined the age of the Vedas with the help of this scripture.

Nature of Vedas