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25 August 2019

In the premises of Rajasthan Sanskrit Academy, Vishwaguru Deep Ashram Research Centre organised a celebration of a birth anniversary of famous Pandit Madhusudan Ojha.

This year, 153rd birth anniversary  fell on 24th August 2019. On this occassion many renown scholars were there: Dr Narayan Shastri Kankar, Dr Dayananda Bhargava, Dr Devrishi Kalanath Shastri, Pandit Anant Sharma, Vedanti Ji, Yogini Pushplata Garg and many others.

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Dr Dayanand Bhargava

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Some of the Madhusudan Ojha's books

The program was presided over by Mahant Harishankar Das Maharaj (Vedantiji).

At the program 25 societies working in the field of Sanskrit literature were given token of appreciation.

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Dr Raghuveer Mahoday recieves award in the name of Sanskrit Bharti


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