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Bhajan - Gajanand Ananda Murati

Gajananda Ananda Murati, Kripa Karo Maharaj - Bhajan

Author: Hindu Dharma Samrat Paramhans Swami Madhavananda Puri Ji

Book: Sri Madhavananda Anand Prakash

भजन – गजल - दोहा

गजानन्द आनन्द मूर्ति, कृपा करो महाराज।
सत्संग में पधार जो, सुफल करो सब काज॥१॥

गणाधीश गणराज हो, गजानन्द सुख रूप।
सब देवन में देव बड़ा, महाभूपन के भूप॥२॥

गजानन्द गणपति, ऋद्धि सिद्धि के दातार।
ज्ञान घटा ले पधारे जो, बरसो अमृत धार॥३॥

माधवानन्द के आनन्द करो, घणनामी गुरुदेव।
विश्व दीप हरि आप हो, दीजो चरण की सेव॥४॥

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This line shows that this poem can be sang in 3 different ways.

A ग़ज़ल (Ghazal) is a form of poetry, often expressing love, loss, and beauty, that originated in Arabic literature and became popular in Persian, Urdu, and later in Hindi literature. It typically consists of rhyming couplets and a refrain, with each line sharing the same meter. A ghazal often focuses on themes of unrequited love or the pain of separation and is known for its lyrical and emotive style.

Key features of a ghazal include:

  1. Matla: The opening couplet of the ghazal, where both lines rhyme.
  2. Maqta: The final couplet, which often includes the poet's pen name.
  3. Radif: A repeating word or phrase at the end of the second line of each couplet.
  4. Qafiya: The rhyming pattern that precedes the radif.

The structure and themes make ghazals a unique and cherished form of poetic expression in South Asian culture.

A भजन (Bhajan) is a devotional song in Hinduism and Sikhism, often expressing love and reverence for a deity or spiritual concept. Bhajans are an integral part of Indian devotional music and are typically performed in a group setting, with participants singing together or in a call-and-response manner.

Key characteristics of a bhajan include:

  1. Devotional Content: The lyrics are usually focused on praising and worshipping deities like Krishna, Rama, Shiva, Durga, or other gods and goddesses, as well as saints and gurus.
  2. Simple and Melodic: Bhajans are often simple in melody and lyrics, making them easy for a group to sing together. They can range from slow and contemplative to fast and energetic.
  3. Musical Instruments: Common instruments used in bhajans include the harmonium, tabla, dholak, cymbals, and sometimes more traditional instruments like the tanpura or mridangam.
  4. Spiritual Atmosphere: The performance of a bhajan is meant to create a spiritual atmosphere, fostering a sense of community and devotion among the participants.

Bhajans are an important part of various religious ceremonies, festivals, and daily worship practices, serving as a means for devotees to express their faith and connect with the divine.

A दोहा (Doha) is a form of self-contained rhyming couplet in Hindi and other Indian languages, traditionally used in poetry and folk songs. It consists of two lines (couplets), each having 24 syllables, typically divided into two parts with 13 and 11 syllables respectively. Dohas are known for their brevity and depth, often conveying profound philosophical, moral, or spiritual messages in a simple and succinct manner.

Key features of a doha include:

  1. Structure: Each doha has two lines, with the first line having 13 syllables and the second line having 11 syllables.
  2. Theme: Dohas often address themes of life, morality, spirituality, human nature, and wisdom.
  3. Language: The language used in dohas is usually straightforward and easy to understand, making them accessible to a broad audience.
  4. Cultural Significance: Dohas are a significant part of Indian literary tradition, often found in classical literature, devotional texts, and folk traditions.

Dohas are a cherished form of poetic expression in Indian culture, valued for their wisdom and simplicity.

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गजानन्द आनन्द मूर्ति, कृपा करो महाराज।

Roman Transliteration: Gajānanda ānanda mūrti, kṛpā karo mahārāja.

Sentence-Level Translation: Gajānanda, the embodiment of bliss, bestow your grace, O great king.

Deeper Explanation: The line is a prayer to Gajānanda, who is identified as the embodiment of divine joy and bliss. The devotee is pleading for mercy and blessings from the revered figure, addressing him respectfully as 'Maharaja' or 'great king.'

The first bhajan in the "Madhavananda Anand Prakash" book of poems by Holy Guruji, Hindu Dharm Samrath Paramhans Swami Madhavananda Puri Ji Maharaj, follows the tradition of beginning with a remembrance to Lord Ganesh Ji. For a true disciple, there is no distinction between any God and Guru; hence, in this bhajan, Holy Guruji glorifies the Guru as Lord Ganesha. At the end of the bhajan, Holy Guruji uses the term "ghana nami," which signifies "one with many names," symbolizing that the Guru is Ganesha, Hari, and Vishwa Deep, the universal light.

Word-by-Word Translation:

  • गजानन्द (Gajānanda): A name for Lord Ganesha, derived from "Gaja" (elephant) and "Ānanda" (bliss).
    • गजा (Gaja): Elephant.
    • आनन्द (Ānanda): Bliss, joy.
  • आनन्द मूर्ति (ānanda mūrti): Embodiment of bliss.
    • आनन्द (ānanda): Bliss, joy.
    • मूर्ति (mūrti): Idol, embodiment, form.
  • कृपा (kṛpā): Grace, mercy.
  • करो (karo): Do, bestow.
  • महाराज (mahārāja): Great king, a respectful address.

Original Line: सत्संग में पधार जो, सुफल करो सब काज॥१॥

Roman Transliteration: Satsaṅg meṁ padhāra jo, suphal karo sab kāj.

Sentence-Level Translation: Those who come to the company of the good people, fulfil all their works successfully.

Deeper Explanation: This line emphasizes the importance of holy company (satsang). It states that those who participate in satsang will see all their efforts and tasks bear fruit.

Word-by-Word Translation:

  • सत्संग (satsaṅg): Company of the holy, spiritual gathering.
    • सत् (sat): True, holy.
    • संग (saṅg): Company, association.
  • में (meṁ): In, within.
  • पधार (padhāra): Arrive, come.
  • जो (jo): Who, those who.
  • सुफल (suphal): Successful, fruitful.
    • सु (su): Good, well.
    • फल (phal): Fruit, result.
  • करो (karo): Do, make.
  • सब (sab): All, every.
  • काज (kāj): Task, work.

Original Line: गणाधीश गणराज हो, गजानन्द सुख रूप।

Roman Transliteration: Gaṇādhīśa gaṇarāja ho, gajānanda sukha rūpa.

Sentence-Level Translation: You are the lord of the ganas (attendants of Shiva), O Gajānanda, the form of happiness.

Deeper Explanation: This line addresses Gajānanda (another name for Lord Ganesha) as the chief of the ganas, who are the attendants of Lord Shiva, and acknowledges him as the embodiment of happiness and joy.

Word-by-Word Translation:

  • गणाधीश (gaṇādhīśa): Lord of the ganas.
    • गण (gaṇa): Group, attendants (of Shiva).
    • अधीश (adhīśa): Lord, master.
  • गणराज (gaṇarāja): King of the ganas.
    • गण (gaṇa): Group, attendants (of Shiva).
    • राज (rāja): King.
  • हो (ho): Are.
  • गजानन्द (gajānanda): Another name for Lord Ganesha.
    • गजा (Gaja): Elephant.
    • आनन्द (Ānanda): Bliss, joy.
  • सुख (sukha): Happiness, joy.
  • रूप (rūpa): Form, embodiment.

Original Line: सब देवन में देव बड़ा, महाभूपन के भूप॥२॥

Roman Transliteration: Sab devan meṁ dev baṛā, mahābhūpan ke bhūp.

Sentence-Level Translation: Among all the gods, you are the greatest, the king of great kings.

Deeper Explanation: This line extols Gajānanda as the supreme deity among all gods and the king above all kings, highlighting his preeminent status in the divine hierarchy.

Word-by-Word Translation:

  • सब (sab): All, every.
  • देवन (devan): Gods.
  • में (meṁ): Among, in.
  • देव (dev): God.
  • बड़ा (baṛā): Great, greatest.
  • महाभूपन (mahābhūpan): Great kings.
    • मह (mahā): Great.
    • भूपन (bhūpan): Kings.
  • के (ke): Of.
  • भूप (bhūp): King.

Original Line: गजानन्द गणपति, ऋद्धि सिद्धि के दातार।

Roman Transliteration: Gajānanda gaṇapati, ṛiddhi siddhi ke dātāra.

Sentence-Level Translation: Gajānanda, the lord of the ganas, the bestower of prosperity and spiritual powers.

Deeper Explanation: This line praises Gajānanda (Lord Ganesha) as the leader of the ganas and the one who grants material prosperity (ṛddhi) and spiritual accomplishments (siddhi).

Word-by-Word Translation:

  • गजानन्द (gajānanda): Another name for Lord Ganesha.
    • गजा (Gaja): Elephant.
    • आनन्द (Ānanda): Bliss, joy.
  • गणपति (gaṇapati): Lord of the ganas.
    • गण (gaṇa): Group, attendants (of Shiva).
    • पति (pati): Lord, master.
  • ऋद्धि (ṛddhi): Prosperity, wealth.
  • सिद्धि (siddhi): Spiritual powers, accomplishments.
  • के (ke): Of.
  • दातार (dātāra): Bestower, giver.

Original Line: ज्ञान घटा ले पधारे जो, बरसो अमृत धार॥३॥

Roman Transliteration: Jñāna ghaṭā le padhāre jo, baraso amṛta dhāra.

Sentence-Level Translation: Those who come with the clouds of knowledge, let the nectar flow.

Deeper Explanation: This line metaphorically describes the presence of divine knowledge as clouds that shower the nectar of immortality and wisdom on those who are receptive.

Word-by-Word Translation:

  • ज्ञान (jñāna): Knowledge, wisdom.
  • घटा (ghaṭā): Cloud, abundance.
  • ले (le): With, take.
  • पधारे (padhāre): Arrive, come.
  • जो (jo): Who, those who.
  • बरसो (baraso): Shower, let flow.
  • अमृत (amṛta): Nectar, immortality.
  • धार (dhāra): Stream, flow.

Original Line: माधवानन्द के आनन्द करो, घणनामी गुरुदेव।

Roman Transliteration: Mādhavānanda ke ānanda karo, ghaṇanāmī gurudev.

Sentence-Level Translation: Bestow joy upon Mādhavānanda, O revered Guru with the many names.

Deeper Explanation: This line is a plea for blessings and joy for Mādhavānanda, who is a disciple, from the revered Guru with the many names, Lord Himself.

Word-by-Word Translation:

  • माधवानन्द (mādhavānanda): A disciple, Svāmī Mādhavānanda Pūrī Jī.
    • माधव (mādhava): A name of Lord Krishna.
    • आनन्द (ānanda): Bliss, joy.
  • के (ke): Of, to.
  • आनन्द (ānanda): Joy, bliss.
  • करो (karo): Do, bestow.
  • घणनामी (ghaṇanāmī): Of many names, Lord. ; वह जिसके बहुत से नाम हों--ईश्वर, श्रीकृष्ण, श्रीरामचन्द्र, आदि।
  • गुरुदेव (gurudev): Revered Guru, spiritual master.

Original Line: विश्व दीप हरि आप हो, दीजो चरण की सेव॥

Roman Transliteration: Viśva dīpa hari āpa ho, dījo caraṇa kī sev.

Sentence-Level Translation: You are the light of the world, O Hari; grant us the service of your feet.

Deeper Explanation: In this line Holy Guruji addresses his guru Mahaprabhuji as Hari, Vishnu himself telling that he is that divine light that illuminates the world and seeks the opportunity to serve at his feet, symbolizing devotion and surrender.

Word-by-Word Translation:

  • विश्व (viśva): World, universe.
  • दीप (dīpa): light,
  • विश्व दीप - Mahaprabhuji
  • हरि (hari): A name of Lord Vishnu.
  • आप (āpa): You.
  • हो (ho): Are.
  • दीजो (dījo): Give, grant.
  • चरण (caraṇa): Feet.
  • की (kī): Of.
  • सेव (sev): Service.

अनुवाद -

गजानन्द आनन्द मूर्ति, कृपा करो महाराज ।

हे गजानन्द आप आनन्द के मूर्ति हैं, आनंद क रूप, हे महाराज हमारे ऊपर कृपा (दया) करो ।

Oh, Gajananda, you are embodiment of bliss! Oh, great one be merciful on us.

सत्संग में पधार जो, सुफल करो सब काज॥१॥

सत्संग में पधारना (आना) और सब काज सुफल (सफल) करो ।

Come to the satsang and make all fruitful (fulfill all our wishes).

(Here we invite Ganesh to come to the satsang.)

गणाधीश गणराज हो, गजानन्द सुख रूप।

हे गणाधीश आप गणराज हो, गजानन्द का सुख स्वरूप हो ।

Your are Ganadhisha, the Lord of all ganas, Shiva’s attendants, you are Ganaraja, the king of ganas, you are Gajananda, the form of happiness.

सब देवन में देव बडा, महाभूपन के भूप॥२॥

आप सब देवताओ में बडे देवता हैं,और महाराजाओ के राजा हैं  

You are the greatest god among all gods, and greatest king among all kings.

गजानन्द गणपति, ऋद्धि सिद्धि के दातार।

हे गजानन्द गणपति,आप ऋद्धि सिद्धि के दाता हो।

Oh Gajananda, oh Ganapati, you are giver of all perfections and wealth.

ज्ञान घटा ले पधारे जो, बरसो अमृत धार॥३॥

ज्ञान का बादल लेकर आओ, हम पर अमृत की धार बरसाओ ॥३॥

Bring the clouds of knowledge, and rain the shower of nectar upon us.

माधवानन्द के आनन्द करो, घणनामी गुरुदेव।

हे माधवानन्द के लिए आनन्द करो,  आप अनेक नाम वाले गुरु हैं ।

Give bliss to Madhavananda, you are the guru, teacher with many names.

विश्व दीप हरि आप हो, दीजो चरण की सेव ॥४॥

हे विश्व दीप, आप प्रभु हैं, अपने चरणो की सेवा दीजिए ॥४॥

Oh Vishwa Deep (Mahaprabhuji) you are Hari, Vishnu, allow me to serve your lotus feet.