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Goddess Vishupriya by Dr Manisha Sharma - Page 2

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According to the Brahmavaivarta Purana, before the creation of the universe, in the first cosmic circle called Rasamandala, when the Supreme Soul Shri Krishna desired, a golden complexioned goddess manifested. She was adorned with gemstone ornaments. Her divine form was clothed in yellow garments, and she had a gentle smile on her face. She was the goddess of eternal youth, the embodiment of all wealth, and the provider of all material riches. In heaven, she is known as Swargalakshmi, and in the abodes of kings, she is called Rajalakshmi.

In this Purana, there is a mention of the manifestation of Goddess Lakshmi in the form of the daughter of the ocean, and also of the association with Vishnu. Overall, the story of the origin of Lakshmi is widely accepted. Like other goddesses, Lakshmi also has various meditations, prayers, armor, and hymns dedicated to her. In the divine body of Lord Vishnu, their chest is specifically described as the abode of Goddess Kamala. There is an inseparable relationship between Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi. Just as the universal father Lord Vishnu is omnipresent, in the same way, his divine power Mahalakshmi is also omnipresent.

Meditation of Goddess Lakshmi

Goddess Mahalakshmi is the primal source of all creation, consisting of the three gunas and being the ultimate goddess. She has two forms, manifest and unmanifest. She encompasses the entire universe in both of these forms. In the form of a woman, whatever is visible in this world is a manifestation of Goddess Lakshmi. There are numerous meditations on the divine Goddess Mahalakshmi, and here is a meditation verse called the Sharadatilaka Dhyana.

कान्त्या काञ्चनसंनिभां हिमगिरिप्रख्यैश्चतुर्भिर्गजै- हस्तोत्क्षिप्तहिरण्मयामृतघटैरासिच्यमानां श्रियम् ।
बिभ्राणां वरमब्जयुग्ममभयं हस्तैः किरीटोज्ज्वलां क्षौमाबद्धनितम्बबिम्बलसितां वन्देऽरविन्दस्थिताम् ॥(218)

I offer my salutations to Goddess Lakshmi, whose brilliance resembles that of gold and who is adorned by four brilliant elephants standing on the snow-covered peaks of the mighty Himalayas, pouring divine nectar from their trunks onto her. She holds in her four hands the Varada Mudra (gesture of granting boons), the Abhaya Mudra (gesture of assurance and protection), and two lotus flowers. Her majestic crown shines brightly, and her hip area is adorned with a beautiful silk garment. I bow down to the lotus-feet of Goddess Lakshmi, who is seated on such a lotus.

Residence of Goddess Lakshmi