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Bhajan 5 - Doha and Chaupai

Doha and Chaupai

Author: Hindu Dharma Samrat Paramhans Swami Madhavananda Puri Ji

Book: Sri Madhavananda Anand Prakash


ईश्वर के महाईश हो, संतन के सिरताज।
श्री पूज्य स्वामी दीपनारायण सर्वत्र स्वराज॥१॥
परमार्थ पुरुषोत्तम स्वामी श्री पूज्य दीप दयाल।
माधवानन्द आनन्द भया प्रभु कीना नजर निहाल॥२॥

चौपाई  (स्तुति पाठ)

श्री पूज्य परमपिता पुरुषोत्तम स्वामी।
सतगुरु सायब अंतर्यामी॥१॥
विश्व का है पूरण पति रे।
विरला समझे साध सती रे॥२॥
निराकार निर्गुण नारायण।
विरला योगी शरण परायण॥३॥
सब संतन में मुकुट मणि रे।
आलम का है श्याम धणी रे॥४॥  
व्यापक ब्रह्म सकल घट सांई।
सगुण ब्रह्म स्वामी दीप गुसांई॥५॥
बन्दौं परब्रह्म सतगुरु देवा।
सुर नर मुनि जन करे नित सेवा॥६॥
सच्चिदानन्द आनन्द घन स्वामी।
सर्वत्र व्यापक अंतर्यामी॥७॥
अजर अमर हरि आप अविनाशी।
अंतर बाहर जल थल वासी॥८॥






दोहा dohā [dvidhā, dvipatha-; Ap. duvahaa-], m. a rhyming couplet, in which each line consists of half-lines made up of feet of 6 + 4 + 3 and 6 + 4 + 1 mātrās respectively.

1. ईश्वर के महाईश हो, संतन के सिरताज।

2. Īśvar ke mahāīś ho, santan ke siratāj.

3. Sentence-level translation: You are the great sovereign of God and the crown jewel of saints.

4. Deeper explanation: This line extols the revered figure as the supreme sovereign who represents God's greatness and stands as the foremost among saints.

5. Word-by-word translation:

  • ईश्वर (īśvar) - God, supreme being
  • के (ke) - Of
  • महाईश (mahāīś) - Great sovereign, supreme lord, Shiva
  • हो (ho) - Are (second person singular present tense)
  • संतन (santan) - Saints, holy people (sant + n for plural)
  • के (ke) - Of
  • सिरताज (siratāj) - Crown jewel, highest rank; १. मुकुट । शिरोभूषण

1. श्री पूज्य स्वामी दीप नारायण सर्वत्र स्वराज॥१॥

2. Shrī pūjya svāmī dīp nārāyaṇ sarvatr svarāj.

3. Sentence-level translation: Revered Swami Dip Narayan reigns supreme everywhere.

4. Deeper explanation: This line honors Mahaprabhuji, indicating his revered presence and influence that extends everywhere, symbolizing his supreme spiritual authority.

5. Word-by-word translation:

  • श्री (shrī) - Revered, respected
  • पूज्य (pūjya) - Worshipful, revered
  • स्वामी (svāmī) - Swami, master
  • दीप नारायण (dīp nārāyaṇ) – Dip Narayan, Mahaprabhuji
  • सर्वत्र (sarvatr) - Everywhere, universally
  • स्वराज (svarāj) - Sovereignty, reign

1. परमार्थ पुरुषोत्तम स्वामी श्री पूज्य दीप दयाल।

2. Paramārth puruṣottam svāmī shrī pūjya dīp dayāl.

3. Sentence-level translation: Absolute, merciful Swami Shri Pujya Deep, greatest giver

4. Deeper explanation: This line praises Swami Shri Pujya Deep Dayal who was born for the highest spiritual purpose of helping others be free from this world. He is the best among humans, and of compassionate nature.

5. Word-by-word translation:

  • परमार्थ (paramārth) - Supreme spiritual purpose, ultimate truth
  • पुरुषोत्तम (puruṣottam) - Best among men, supreme being
  • स्वामी (svāmī) - Swami, master
  • श्री (shrī) - Revered, respected
  • पूज्य (pūjya) - Worshipful, revered
  • दीप (dīp) - Deep (name of the spiritual figure)
  • दयाल (dayāl) - Compassionate, kind

1. माधवानन्द आनन्द भया प्रभु कीना नजर निहाल॥२॥

2. Mādhavānand ānand bhayā prabhu kīnā nazar nihāl.

3. Sentence-level translation: Madhavanand became blissful as the Lord bestowed a gracious glance.

4. Deeper explanation: This line describes the joy experienced by Madhavanand due to the Lord's benevolent and uplifting glance, signifying divine favor and spiritual fulfillment.

5. Word-by-word translation:

  • माधवानन्द (mādhavānand) – Madhavanand, Holy Guruji
  • आनन्द (ānand) - Bliss, joy
  • भया (bhayā) - Became
  • प्रभु (prabhu) - Lord, God
  • कीना (kīnā) – Marwari. Did, made – Hindi - Kiya
  • नजर (nazar) - Glance, look;
  • निहाल (nihāl) - Blessed, delighted; 1. जो सब प्रकार से संतुष्ट और प्रसन्न हो गया हो । पूर्णकाम । 2.समृद्ध । संपत्तिशाली । मालामाल ।

Complete translation of Doha

ईश्वर के महाईश हो, संतन के सिरताज।
आप देवो के भी देव हो,संतो के सिर के मुकुट के समान हो 
You are the Supreme/Great God of the Gods, the crown on the Saints/Sages head.
You are also the Lord of Lords, like the crown on the head of Saints.
Ti si bog svih bogova. Ti si kruna na glavi svetaca.
श्री पूज्य स्वामी दीपनारायण सर्वत्र स्वराज॥१॥
भगवान श्री स्वामी दीपनारायण जी कण कण में व्याप्त हैं
Venerable Shree Swami Deep Narayan is the supreme sovereign everywhere.
Bhagawan Shree Swami Deep Narayanji is present in every atom.
Mahaprabhujijevo kraljevstvo je svugdje.
परमार्थ पुरुषोत्तम स्वामी श्री पूज्य दीप दयाल।
दूसरो का दुख दूर करने वाले मानव रूप मे भगवान श्री दीप नारायण जी हैं 
The Supreme Purushottama Swami Sree Deep Narayan is compassionate
Bhagawan Shree Deep Narayanji manifested in human form to alleviate the suffering of others.
Poštovani milostivi Šri Dip Mahaprabhuji je najveći davatelj/pomagatelj.
माधवानन्द आनन्द भया प्रभु कीना नजर निहाल॥२॥
भगवान ने बुरे कर्मो से माधवानंद जी को आनंद की प्राप्ति करा दी
Madhawananda was filled with bliss upon having the divine sight of the Lord.
Madhavananda je ispunjen blaženstvom kad je ugledao svog dragog Gospoda.



Chaupai (चौपाई) is a poetic form in Indian literature, particularly in Hindi and Punjabi. It consists of a quatrain, meaning a stanza of four lines, often with a specific meter. Each line in a chaupai typically contains 16 syllables, making it a 16-matra structure.

Chaupai is commonly used in devotional poetry and is known for its rhythmic and lyrical qualities. One of the most famous examples of chaupai is found in the "Ramcharitmanas" by Tulsidas, where it is used extensively to narrate the story of Lord Rama. Another notable example is in the "Chaupai Sahib," a Sikh prayer composed by Guru Gobind Singh, which is a part of the Sikh scriptures.

Chaupai serves various purposes, including storytelling, praise of deities, and moral instruction. Its structured form and rhythmic quality make it memorable and easy to recite, contributing to its popularity in devotional and literary traditions.


1. Original Line

श्री पूज्य परम पिता पुरुषोत्तम स्वामी। सतगुरु सायब अंतर्यामी॥१॥

2. IAST Transliteration

śrī pūjya parama pitā puruṣottama svāmī। sataguru sāyaba antaryāmī॥1॥

3. Sentence-Level Translation

Respected Supreme Father, Swami Purushottam.
True Guru, Master, who is omniscient.

4. Deeper Explanation

This line venerates Swami Purushottam, acknowledging him as the revered and supreme father. The term "Purushottam" signifies the highest being or the supreme person, often used to refer to Lord Vishnu or a highly esteemed spiritual master.

5. Word-by-Word Translation and Explanation

  • श्री (śrī): A respectful prefix, often translated as "revered" or "auspicious."
  • पूज्य (pūjya): Worthy of worship or respect.
  • परम (parama): Supreme or highest.
  • पिता (pitā): Father, life giver, guru
  • परमपिता – परमेश्वर, Lord
  • पुरुषोत्तम (puruṣottama): The highest person or supreme being; a title often associated with Lord Vishnu.
  • स्वामी (svāmī): Master or lord.
  • सतगुरु (sataguru): True Guru, a spiritual teacher who guides towards truth.
  • सायब (sāyaba): Master or lord.
  • अंतर्यामी (antaryāmī): One who knows the innermost thoughts and
  • ADJ
    • भीतर की बात जाननेवाला । हृदय की बात का ज्ञान रखने वाला ।
    • अंत:करण में स्थित होकर प्रेरणा करनेवाला । चित्त पर दबाव य अधिकार रखनेवाला ।
    • भीतर तक पैठनेवाला । भीतर पहुँच रखनेवाला ।
  • NOUN
    • ईश्वर । परमात्मा । चैतन्य । पर्मश्वर । Lord, Absolute, Consiousness


1. Original Line

विश्व का है पूरण पति रे। विरला समझे साध सती रे॥२॥

2. IAST Transliteration

viśva kā hai pūraṇa pati re। viralā samajhe sādh satī re॥2॥

3. Sentence-Level Translation

He is the perfect lord of the universe.
Rare are those virtuous men and women who understood this.

4. Deeper Explanation

This stanza extols the guru as the perfect master of the entire universe, indicating complete sovereignty and perfection. It further acknowledges that only a few, such as saints and virtuous individuals, truly understand the profound nature of the guru.

5. Word-by-Word Translation and Explanation

  • विश्व (viśva): Universe.
  • का (kā): Of.
  • है (hai): Is.
  • पूरण (pūraṇa): Perfect or complete.
  • पति (pati): Lord or master.
  • रे (re): A vocative particle, often used for emphasis.
  • विरला (viralā): Rare.
  • समझे (samajhe): Understand.
  • साध (sādh): Saint.= १. साधु । महात्मा । २. योगी । ३. अच्छा आदमी । सज्जन ।
  • सती (satī): Virtuous person or woman


1. Original Line

निराकार निर्गुण नारायण। विरला योगी शरण परायण॥३॥

2. IAST Transliteration

nirākāra nirguṇa nārāyaṇa। viralā yogī śaraṇa parāyaṇa॥3॥

3. Sentence-Level Translation

Formless, attribute-less Narayan. Rare are the yogis that find refuge in him.

4. Deeper Explanation

This stanza describes Narayan (a name for Lord Vishnu) as being formless and without any attributes, emphasizing his transcendental nature beyond physical form and qualities. It also suggests that only a few yogis, or spiritual practitioners, truly seek and find refuge in the divine.

5. Word-by-Word Translation and Explanation

  • निराकार (nirākāra): Formless.
  • निर्गुण (nirguṇa): Attribute-less or without qualities.
  • नारायण (nārāyaṇa): Another name for Lord Vishnu, often representing the supreme being.
  • विरला (viralā): Rare.
  • योगी (yogī): A practitioner of yoga or spiritual seeker.
  • शरण (śaraṇa): Refuge or shelter.
  • परायण (parāyaṇa): Devoted or dedicated.


1. Original Line

सब संतन में मुकुट मणि रे। आलम का है श्याम धणी रे॥४॥

2. IAST Transliteration

sab santana meṃ mukuta maṇi re। ālama kā hai śyāma dhaṇī re॥4॥

3. Sentence-Level Translation

The crown jewel among all saints. He is the master of the world.

4. Deeper Explanation

This stanza extols the deity as the most illustrious or outstanding among all saints, akin to a crown jewel. It further praises the guru as the ruler or master of the entire world, signifying his supreme authority.

5. Word-by-Word Translation and Explanation

  • सब (sab): All.
  • संतन (santana): Saints.
  • में (meṃ): Among.
  • मुकुट (mukuta): Crown.
  • मणि (maṇi): Jewel.
  • आलम (ālama): World. 1) दुनिया। संसार। जगत्। जहान। 2) अवस्था। दशा। stage, circumstance – if we use Marwari आ’लम (ā’lama) -most knowledgeable, highly educated
  • का (kā): Of.
  • है (hai): Is.
  • श्याम (śyāma): Dark one; often referring to Lord Krishna.
  • धणी (dhaṇī): Master or lord.; ईश्वर, परमेश्वर (ह.नां.) 2.स्वामी, मालिक। 3.पति, खाविंद (डिं.को.) 4.राजा, नृप।
  • रे (re): A vocative particle, often used for emphasis.

 * * *

1. Original Line

व्यापक ब्रह्म सकल घट सांई। सगुण ब्रह्म स्वामी दीप गुसांई॥५॥

2. IAST Transliteration

vyāpaka brahma sakala ghaṭa sāī। saguṇa brahma svāmī dīpa gusāī॥5॥

3. Sentence-Level Translation

All-pervading Brahman, present in every being. Embodied Brahman, Swami Deep Goswami.

4. Deeper Explanation

This stanza highlights the deity as the all-pervading Brahman, present within every being, signifying his omnipresence. It also refers to Swami Deep Gusaain as the embodied form of Brahman, indicating that he possesses qualities and form.

5. Word-by-Word Translation and Explanation

  • व्यापक (vyāpaka): All-pervading.
  • ब्रह्म (brahma): Brahman, the ultimate reality. ब्रह्म - Brahma = Brahman - neuobličeni bog  - ब्रह्मा - Brahmaa - Tvorac, Brahma sa 4 (5) glava
  • सकल (sakala): Entire or all.
  • घट (ghaṭa): Vessel, representing a being or individual.
  • सांई (sāī): Lord.
  • सगुण (saguṇa): With qualities or attributes.
  • स्वामी (svāmī): Master or lord.
  • दीप (dīpa): Light; here, it refers to Swami Deep.
  • गुसांई (gusāī): Lord or master, goswami caste


1. Original Line

बन्दौं परब्रह्म सतगुरु देवा। सुर नर मुनि जन करे नित सेवा॥६॥

2. IAST Transliteration

bandaun parabrahma sataguru devā। sura nara muni jana kare nita sevā॥6॥

3. Sentence-Level Translation

I bow to the Supreme Brahman, the true Guru God.
Celestial beings, humans, and sages serve him daily.

4. Deeper Explanation

This stanza expresses reverence and bowing to the Supreme Brahman, who is also acknowledged as the true Guru. It highlights that celestial beings, humans, and sages consistently offer their service to this divine entity.

5. Word-by-Word Translation and Explanation

  • बन्दौं (bandaun): I bow. (change of V to B)
  • परब्रह्म (parabrahma): Supreme Brahman.
  • सतगुरु (sataguru): True Guru.
  • देवा (devā): God.
  • सुर (sura): Celestial beings.
  • नर (nara): Humans.
  • मुनि (muni): Sages.
  • जन (jana): People.
  • करे (kare): Do.
  • नित (nita): Daily, constantly
  • सेवा (sevā): Service.


1. Original Line

सच्चिदानन्द आनन्द घन स्वामी। सर्वत्र व्यापक अंतर्यामी॥७॥

2. IAST Transliteration

saccidānanda ānanda ghana svāmī। sarvatra vyāpaka antaryāmī॥7॥

3. Sentence-Level Translation

Blissful, essence of joy, Swami. Omnipresent and omniscient inner master.

4. Deeper Explanation

This stanza describes the Swami as embodying bliss and being the essence of joy. It further emphasizes that he is omnipresent and omniscient, knowing the inner workings of all beings.

5. Word-by-Word Translation and Explanation

  • सच्चिदानन्द (saccidānanda): The combination of Sat (truth), Chit (consciousness), and Ananda (bliss), the Absolut
  • आनन्द (ānanda): Joy or bliss.
  • घन (ghana): Dense or full of.
  • स्वामी (svāmī): Master or lord.
  • सर्वत्र (sarvatra): Everywhere.
  • व्यापक (vyāpaka): Omnipresent.
  • अंतर्यामी (antaryāmī): Omniscient, one who knows the inner workings.


1. Original Line

अजर अमर हरि आप अविनाशी। अंतर बाहर जल थल वासी॥८॥

2. IAST Transliteration

ajara amara hari āpa avināśī। antara bāhara jala thala vāsī॥8॥

3. Sentence-Level Translation

Eternal, immortal, indestructible Hari.
Residing within and outside, in water and on land.

4. Deeper Explanation

This stanza describes Hari (a name for Lord Vishnu) as eternal, immortal, and indestructible. It further emphasizes that he resides both within and outside, encompassing all elements such as water and land.

5. Word-by-Word Translation and Explanation

  • अजर (ajara): Eternal.
  • अमर (amara): Immortal.
  • हरि (hari): Another name for Lord Vishnu.
  • आप (āpa): Self.
  • अविनाशी (avināśī): Indestructible.
  • अंतर (antara): Within.
  • बाहर (bāhara): Outside.
  • जल (jala): Water.
  • थल (thala): Land. वासी (vāsī): Resident or dweller.

Top of Form

Complete translation of Chaupai

श्री पूज्य परमपिता पुरुषोत्तम स्वामी सतगुरु सायब अंतर्यामी॥१॥
हे परम पूज्य पिता (भगवान) आराध्य सतगुरु भगवान आप सब के मन के विचारो को जानने वाले  हो
Poštovani, cijenjeni, najviši Oče, savršeni čovječe, gospodaru, o Sataguru, o gospodine, o ti koji sve znaš.
Respected, appreciated highest Father, perfect human, master, o Satguru, o Lord, You who know everything
विश्व का है पूरण पति रे।
सम्पूर्ण संसार का ध्यान रखते हो ।
Ti si vladar cijelog svijeta/svemira
You are ruler of all world/universe
विरला समझे साध सती रे॥२॥  virla/birla
जो संत सतगुरु को जान सके वही सत्य है 
Rijetki su oni sveci puni vrlina koji to znaju/razumiju
Rare are those virtuous saints that know that.
निराकार निर्गुण नारायण।
जिसका कोई आकार नही हो और गुणो से परिपूर्ण हो वह भगवान विष्णु के समान हैं  
O, Narajan, bez oblika i bez osobina
O, Narayan, without form/formless and without qualities
विरला योगी शरण परायण॥३॥
सच्चा भक्त ही सतगुरु (भगवान) की शरण में जाता है
Rijetki su jogiji koji dođu u njegovo utočište
Rare are yogis who come in His shelter
सब संतन में मुकुट मणि रे।
सभी संतो मे जो श्रेष्ठ साधु हैं ।
On je dragulj u kruni svetaca.
He is the crown jewel among all saints. 
आलम का है श्याम धणी रे॥४॥
इस संसार का मालिक श्याम
Šjam (Krišna) vladar je ovog svijeta.
व्यापक ब्रह्म सकल घट, सांई। सगुण ब्रह्म स्वामी दीप गुसांई॥५॥
सम्पूर्ण शरीर एक ब्रह्म के समान है और सम्पूर्ण गुणो से परिपूर्ण भगवान श्री दीप नारायण जी हैं
O bože, Sveprožimajući Bog/Brahman je u svačijem srcu. A uobličeni je Bog Swami Dip, (kaste) Goswami.
All pervading God is in every heart. And formed/shaped God is Swami Deep, (from caste) Goswami
बन्दौं परब्रह्म सतगुरु देवा। सुर नर मुनि जन करे नित सेवा॥६॥
परब्रह्म सतगुरु देव जिनके सेवक देवता,मनुष्य और मुनि हैं उनकी वंदना करता हूँ
मैं परब्रह्म स्वरूप जो मेरे गुरुदेव हैं, उनकी वन्दना करता हूं, अर्थात पूजा करता हूं। वे गुरुदेव, जिनका पूजन वंदन देवता, मुनि और जन अर्थात सभी मानव करते हैं।
Obožavam/klanjam se mom Gurudevu u obliku najvišeg Boga. Njega (Gurudeva) poštuju/služe bogovi, muniji i svi ljudi.
All gods, humans, munis, all living beings, serve always the highest God, Satguru.
सच्चिदानन्द आनन्द घन स्वामी। सर्वत्र व्यापक अंतर्यामी॥७॥
आप धन और लक्ष्मी के देव हो एवम कण कण में व्यापक रूप से उपस्थित हैं 
O, Swami, ti si prepun blaženstva i Sat Ćit Anande. Sveprožimajući znalac si svih.
O Swami, You are full of bliss and Sat Cit Ananda, You are all pervading knower of all/everyone
अजर अमर हरि आप अविनाशी। अंतर बाहर जल थल वासी॥८॥
हे भगवान आप अमर हैं आप कण-कण में हो जिनका कोई विनास नही कर सकता, आप पानी की प्रत्येक बूंद में व्याप्त हो 
Nerođen i vječan, o, Hari, ti si neuništiv. Živiš i unutra i vani, u vodi i na zemlji, posvuda.
Unborn and eternal, o Hari, you are indestructible. You live inside and outside, in water and on earth, everywhere