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Bhajan 3 - Padharo mere Ganapati Deva Gurasa

Padharo mere Ganapati Deva Gurasa - Bhajan

Author: Hindu Dharma Samrat Paramhans Swami Madhavananda Puri Ji

Book: Sri Madhavananda Anand Prakash

भजन (पद-राग आसावरी)

पधारो मेरे गणपति देव गुरासा।

पलक-पलक मेरी यही अर्ज है, राखो चरण में दासा॥टेर॥

कृपा करो गुरुदेव गजानन्द, हृदय करो निवासा।
अनुभव वाणी प्रगट कीजो, जैसे भांण प्रकाशा॥१॥

शरणे आये को सदा सुख दीजो, कीजो सर्व दु:ख नाशा।
कालजाल सब कुबुद्व टालजो, मेटो यम की त्रासा॥२॥

चरा-चरी में आप बिराजो, व्यापक जैसे आकाशा।
गणपति ध्यावे सदा सुख पावे, पूरे मन की आशा॥३॥

श्री पूज्य दीप दयालु गुणनामी, सिमरुं श्वास उश्वासा।
माधवानन्द नित अर्ज करत हैं, मोय दर्शन की प्यासा॥४॥




1. The original line of the Bhajan.

पधारो मेरे गणपति देव गुरासा।

2. The Roman transliteration.

Padhāro mere Gaṇapati deva gurāsā.

3. The sentence-level translation of the line

Please come, my gurudev Lord of the Ganas.

4. A deeper explanation

In this line, Swami Madhavananda Ji humbly invites his Gurudev Mahaprabhuji, whom he addresses as Lord Ganapati, to come and bless him. For a disciple, their guru represents all gods and goddesses.

5. The word-by-word translation of the line, with explanations for each term and multiple meanings of the word

  • पधारो (padhāro) - Please come (a respectful invitation).
  • मेरे (mere) - My (possessive pronoun).
  • गणपति (Gaṇapati) - Ganapati (another name for Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles).
  • देव (dev) - God (refers to deity).
  • गुरासा (gurāsā) – Guru, SA is a respective word as Sir or Madam

1. The original line of the Bhajan.

पलक-पलक मेरी यही अर्ज है, राखो चरण में दासा॥टेर॥

2. The Roman transliteration.

Palak-palak merī yahī arj hai, rākho caraṇ meṁ dāsā॥ṭer॥

3. The sentence-level translation of the line

In every moment, I request you keep me at your feet as a servant. (Chorus)

4. A deeper explanation

The devotee expresses a continuous and earnest plea to be kept at the feet of the Lord, symbolizing humility, devotion, and the desire to serve. The phrase "पलक-पलक" (palak-palak) means "every moment," emphasizing the constant nature of this request. "दासा" (dāsā) means servant, highlighting the devotee's wish to remain in humble service to the divine. In this bhajan, many words get a long A at the end because of the rhythm. Grammatically correct is without a long A at the end, like:  "दास" (dāsa), “निवासा” (nivāsā), etc.

5. The word-by-word translation of the line, with explanations for each term and multiple meanings of the word

  • पलक-पलक (palak-palak) - Every moment (literally "blink-blink," expressing blinking of the eyes and indicating every instant).
  • मेरी (merī) - My (possessive pronoun).
  • यही (yahī) - This (emphasizing the specific plea).
  • अर्ज (arj) - Plea or request.
  • है (hai) - Is (present tense of "to be").
  • राखो (rākho) - Keep (imperative form, a request).
  • चरण (caraṇ) - Feet (symbolizing the place of service and humility).
  • में (meṁ) - In (preposition).
  • दासा (dāsā) - Servant (one who serves, denoting humility and devotion).
  • टेर (ṭer) - Chorus (refrain that repeats).

1. The original line of the Bhajan.

कृपा करो गुरुदेव गजानन्द, हृदय करो निवासा।

2. The Roman transliteration.

Kṛpā karo gurudev gajānand, hṛday karo nivāsā.

3. The sentence-level translation of the line

Be merciful, O Gurudev Gajananda, and reside in my heart.

4. A deeper explanation

In this line, the devotee pleads for the divine grace of Gurudev Gajanand (another name for Lord Ganesha) and asks for His presence within their heart.

5. The word-by-word translation of the line, with explanations for each term and multiple meanings of the word

  • कृपा (kṛpā) - Grace or mercy.
  • करो (karo) - Do or bestow (imperative form, a request).
  • गुरुदेव (gurudev) - Divine Guru (a respectful term for a spiritual teacher).
  • गजानन्द (gajānand) - व्युत्पत्ति: सं.गज+वत्‌ (लोप)+आनंद | हाथी के समान मस्त रहने वाला, गणेश।  Gajananda (another name for Lord Ganesha, combining "gaja" meaning elephant and "ānand" meaning bliss).
  • गजवदन, adj. & m. = गजानन. गजानन [˚ja + ā˚], adj. & m. elephant-faced: an epithet of Gaṇeśa.
  • हृदय (hṛday) - Heart.
  • करो (karo) - Do or make (imperative form, a request).
  • निवास (nivās) - Reside or dwell.

1. The original line of the Bhajan.

अनुभव वाणी प्रगट कीजो, जैसे भांण प्रकाशा॥१॥

2. The Roman transliteration.

Anubhav vāṇī pragaṭ kījo, jaise bhā̃ṇ prakāśā॥1॥

3. The sentence-level translation of the line

Like the light of the Sun, reveal the wisdom of your experience.

4. A deeper explanation

The devotee is requesting the revelation of divine wisdom and spiritual experiences akin to the clarity and illumination provided by sunlight. A guru becomes a guru when they have divine experiences and not only bookish knowledge. Holy Guruji requests Mahaprabhuji to tell him and show him his experiences.

5. The word-by-word translation of the line, with explanations for each term and multiple meanings of the word

  • अनुभव (anubhav) - Experience or wisdom. १. प्रत्यक्ष ज्ञान । वह ज्ञान जो साक्षात् करने से प्राप्त हो । स्मृतिभिन्न ज्ञान । २. परीक्षा द्वारा पाया हुआ ज्ञान । उपार्जित ज्ञान । तजरबा ।
    । ३. समझ । मन से प्राप्त ज्ञान (को॰) । ४. परिणाम । फल (को॰) ।
  • वाणी (vāṇī) - Speech or words.
  • प्रगट (pragaṭ) - Reveal or manifest.
  • कीजो (kījo) - Do or make (imperative form, a request).
  • जैसे (jaise) - Like or as.
  • भांण (bhāṇ) - Sun (one of the terms for the sun, also meaning light or radiance).
  • प्रकाशा (prakāśā) - Illumination or light.


1. The original line of the Bhajan.

शरणे आये को सदा सुख दीजो, कीजो सर्व दु:ख नाशा।

2. The Roman transliteration.

Śaraṇe āye ko sadā sukh dījo, kījo sarv duḥkh nāśā.

3. The sentence-level translation of the line

Grant eternal happiness to those who seek refuge and destroy all their sorrows.

4. A deeper explanation

Here, the devotee prays for everlasting happiness for those seeking shelter in the divine. Additionally, the prayer asks to eradicate all forms of suffering, symbolizing a plea for comprehensive protection and bliss.

5. The word-by-word translation of the line, with explanations for each term and multiple meanings of the word

  • शरणे (śaraṇe) - In refuge or shelter.
  • आये (āye) - Came or have come.
  • को (ko) - To (indicating the recipient).
  • सदा (sadā) - Always or eternally.
  • सुख (sukh) - Happiness or bliss.
  • दीजो (dījo) - Give or grant (imperative form, a request).
  • कीजो (kījo) - Do or make (imperative form, a request).
  • सर्व (sarv) - All or every.
  • दु:ख (duḥkh) - Sorrow or suffering.
  • नाशा (nāśā) - Destruction or eradication.


1. The original line of the Bhajan.

कालजाल सब कुबुद्व टालजो, मेटो यम की त्रासा॥२॥

2. The Roman transliteration.

Kālajāl sab kubudh ṭālajo, meṭo yam kī trāsā॥2॥

3. The sentence-level translation of the line

Remove all ignorance and evil from this world and erase the fear of death.

4. A deeper explanation

This line asks for the removal of all forms of ignorance and negative influences, often referred to as the "net of time" (कालजाल, kālajāl). Additionally, it seeks the elimination of the fear associated with death, represented by Yama, the god of death in Hindu mythology. This signifies a plea for spiritual liberation and freedom from mortal worries.

5. The word-by-word translation of the line, with explanations for each term and multiple meanings of the word

  • कालजाल (kālajāl) - Net of time/death (referring to ignorance or illusion tied to temporal existence).
  • सब (sab) - All or every.
  • कुबुद्व (kubudh) - Evil or ignorance, Ku+buddhi – wrong/evil advice etc
  • टालजो (ṭālojo) – Remove, avert, destroy, save from (imperative form, a request). From the word टाळणौ, टाळबौ - पृथक करना, अलग करना। 2.दूर करना, निवारण करना। 3.मिटाना, दूर करना, नाश करना। 4.बचाना, छिपाना। 
  • मेटो (meṭo) - Erase or remove (imperative form, a request). From: मिटाना miṭānā [cf. H. miṭnā], v.t. 1. erase; to obliterate; to cancel (as a decree). 2. to destroy. 3. to eliminate (as an abuse); to mitigate. 4. to allay, decrease (as pangs of hunger, or of distress).
  • यम (yam) - Yama (the god of death in Hindu mythology).
  • की (kī) - Of (possessive form).
  • त्रासा (trāsā) - Fear or dread.

1. The original line of the Bhajan.

चरा-चरी में आप बिराजो, व्यापक जैसे आकाशा।

2. The Roman transliteration.

Carā-carī meṁ āp birājo, vyāpaka jaise ākāśā.

3. The sentence-level translation of the line

You reside in all beings, pervading like the sky.

4. A deeper explanation

This line expresses that the divine presence is within all forms of life (both moving and stationary), like how the sky pervades everywhere. It highlights the omnipresence of the divine.

5. The word-by-word translation of the line, with explanations for each term and multiple meanings of the word

  • चरा-चरी (carā-carī) - All beings (both moving and stationary).
  • में (meṁ) - In (preposition).
  • आप (āp) - You (respectful form).
  • बिराजो (birājo) - Reside or sit (imperative form, a request).
  • व्यापक (vyāpaka) - Pervasive or widespread. ADJ जो बहुत दूर तक व्याप्त हो । चारों ओर फैला हुआ । जैसे,—यह एक सर्व- व्यापक सिद्धांत है । जो ऊपर या चारों ओर से घेरे हुए हो । घेरने या ढकनेवाला । आच्छादक ।  किसी में हमेशा एक भाव से स्थित रहनेवाला ।     वाद के समग्र विचारणीय विषयों से युक्त । जिसमें विवाद संबंधी सभी विचारणीय विषय आ गए हों ।
  • व्यापक noun पदार्थ में सर्वदा विद्यमान रहनेवाला गुण या धर्म । नित्य सहवर्ती
  • जैसे (jaise) - Like or as.
  • आकाशा (ākāśā) - Sky or space


1. The original line of the Bhajan.

गणपति ध्यावे सदा सुख पावे, पूरे मन की आशा॥३॥

2. The Roman transliteration.

Gaṇapati dhyāve sadā sukh pāve, pūre man kī āśā॥3॥

3. The sentence-level translation of the line

Those who meditate on Ganapati always attain happiness and fulfillment of all their desires.

4. A deeper explanation

This line emphasizes the benefits of meditating on Lord Ganapati. It suggests that those who constantly focus on Ganapati will find continuous happiness and fulfill all their wishes, highlighting the divine's power to provide for and protect devotees.

5. The word-by-word translation of the line, with explanations for each term and multiple meanings of the word

  • गणपति (Gaṇapati) - Ganapati (another name for Lord Ganesha).
  • ध्यावे (dhyāve) - Meditate or contemplate.
  • सदा (sadā) - Always or eternally.
  • सुख (sukh) - Happiness or bliss.
  • पावे (pāve) - Attain or receive.
  • पूरे (pūre) - Fulfilled or complete.
  • मन (man) - Mind or heart.
  • की (kī) - Of (possessive form).
  • आशा (āśā) - Desire or hope.


1. The original line of the Bhajan.

श्री पूज्य दीप दयालु गुणनामी, सिमरुं श्वास उश्वासा।

2. The Roman transliteration.

Śrī pūjya dīp dayālu guṇanāmī, simaruṁ śvās uśvāsā.

3. The sentence-level translation of the line

I remember the revered, virtuous, and merciful Mahaprabhuji with every breath.

4. A deeper explanation

With each breath, this line expresses the devotee's constant remembrance of the revered and compassionate Dipaji (Swami Dip). It acknowledges the virtues and qualities of the spiritual master and highlights Holy Guruji’s deep devotion and continuous connection to the guru.

5. The word-by-word translation of the line, with explanations for each term and multiple meanings of the word

  • श्री (śrī) - Revered or honorable.
  • पूज्य (pūjya) - Worshipable or respected.
  • दीप (dīp) - Mahaprabhuji
  • दयालु (dayālu) - Kind or compassionate.
  • गुणनामी (guṇanāmī) - Known for virtues (qualities and good attributes). With many virtues. This word can also be ghananami, one with many names, God
  • सिमरुं (simaruṁ) - Remember or contemplate.
  • श्वास (śvās) - Breath (inhalation).
  • उश्वासा (uśvāsā) - Breath (exhalation).


1. The original line of the Bhajan.

माधवानन्द नित अर्ज करत हैं, मोय दर्शन की प्यासा॥४॥

2. The Roman transliteration.

Mādhavānanda nita arja karata haiṁ, moya darśan kī pyāsā॥4॥

3. The sentence-level translation of the line

Madhavanand constantly pleads, yearning for your vision.

4. A deeper explanation

This line conveys the continuous plea of Madhavanand (the disciple or devotee), who deeply longs for a vision of the divine. It reflects the intense spiritual thirst and the desire for direct experience or darshan (sight) of the divine.

5. The word-by-word translation of the line, with explanations for each term and multiple meanings of the word

  • माधवानन्द (Mādhavānanda) – Hindu Dharma Samrat Paramhans Swami Madhavananda Puri, Holy Guruji
  • नित (nit) - Constantly or consistently.
  • अर्ज (arj) - Plea or request.
  • करत (karat) - Doing or making (present continuous form).
  • हैं (haiṁ) - Is (present tense of "to be").
  • मोय (moya) - Me or to me (colloquial form).
  • दर्शन (darśan) - Vision or sight (spiritual seeing).
  • की (kī) - Of (possessive form).
  • प्यासा (pyāsā) - Thirsty or yearning.


अनुवाद –  Translation

पधारो मेरे गणपति देव गुरासा ।
Oh Gurudev, Ganapati please come to me.
पलक-पलक मेरी यही अर्ज है, राखो चरण में दासा॥टेर॥
पल पल मेरी यही विनती है कि मैं आपके चरणो का हमेशा में दास बन कर रहूँ 
Every moment I pray to you, let me be your servant.
कृपा करो गुरुदेव गजानन्द, हृदय करो निवास।
दया करो गुरुदेव गजानन्द , मेरे  हृदय मे हमेशा निवास करना 
Oh, Gurudev Gajananda, be merciful and live in my heart.
अनुभव वाणी प्रगट कीजो, जैसे भांण प्रकाशा
आप अनुभव वाणी प्रदान करना, जैसे सूर्य प्रकाश फेलाता है ।  
Direct: Give us words of your experience, like the light of the Sun
Dispel the darkness of ignorance with your words of experience, wisdom, like the light of the Sun.
शरणे आये को सदा सुख दीजो, कीजो सर्व दु:ख नाशा।
आपके शरण में जो भी आये उसको सुख देना, उसके सारे दुख दूर करना 
Give happiness to all who come to your shelter and remove their suffering.
कालजाल सब कुबुद्व टालजो, मेटो यम की त्रासा॥२॥
मोह माया के जाल से गलत संगति (लोगो) से दूर रखना, ओर संसार से मुक्ति देना
Remove all the bad obstacles, negativity of this World (net of the death), remove the fear of Yamaraja, Death.
चरा-चरी में आप बिराजो, व्यापक जैसे आकाशा।
कण कण में (सभी प्राणियो में) आपका निवास हैं, जिस प्रकार आकाश हैं  
Like the sky you cover everything, be it conscious or not.
गणपति ध्यावे सदा सुख पावे, पूरे मन की आशा॥३॥
जो गणेश जी की पूजा करता हैं वो सदा सुख की प्राप्ति करता है, उसके मन की इच्छा पूर्ण होती है
Whoever concentrate his thaughts on Ganapati, (Ganesha) is always happy, and his all wishes are fulfilled.
श्री पूज्य दीप दयालु गुणनामी, सिमरुं श्वास उश्वासा।
आराध्य भगवान श्री दीप नारायण महाप्रभु जी सदा दया करने वाले भगवान गणेश जी के समान आपको हर क्षण याद करता रहूँ 
Respected merciful Deep, you are Ganapati, I repeat your name (remember you) with each of my breath.
माधवानन्द नित अर्ज करत हैं, मोय दर्शन की प्यासा ।।
श्री माधवानन्द जी हमेशा यही निवेदन करते हैं, कि आपके दर्शन हर क्षण करता रहु   
Sri Madhavananda is constantly requesting, I am thirsty to have your darshan, to see you.