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05 August 2020

On the occasion of 30th death anniversary of Swami Surjan Das ji Maharaj, Professor Ganeshi Lal Suthar and Dr Dayaram Swami delivered their lectures.

Lectures are in Hindi.

03 August 2020

Vishwaguru Deep Ashram Research Centre together with the Rajasthan Sanskrit Academy, Jaipur organised 7 days of lectures on the occasion of World Sanskrit Day - 3. August 2020.

25 July 2020

On the occasion of Maharishi Charak Birth Anniversary, professor Anant Sharma gave the lecture on the History of Ayurveda.

Lecture is in Hindi.

07 April 2020

Written by: Dr Narayan Shastri Kankar, Department of Promotion of Sanskrit Language

करोना-विष से मुक्ति के लिये

चीने प्रजातः खलु मांस-भक्षणाद् , व्याधिः ' करोना-विष ' नाम-धारकः ।
हा हन्त ! विष्वक् प्रसृतो विभीषणो , जनानकाले नयते यमान्तिके॥१॥
