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14 October 2019

The birth anniversary of the great Rishi and scholar, creator of Ramayana, Maharishi Valmiki was held in the premises of the Research Centre.


On the October 13th, 2019 scholar Pandit Anant Sharma gave a complete overview of Ramayana and indicated on many mistakes that are prevalent nowadays. Dr Dayananda Bhargava discussed about the poetry in Ramayana, while Devarishi Kalanath Shastri gave historical and spiritual overview.

Valmiki 2

Valmiki 3

Valmiki 1

Dr Narayan Kankar Shastri read his Sanskrit poem about Valmiki, and Mahant Harishankar Das Ji Maharaj gave a spiritual overview.


Mahamandaleshwar Swami Gyaneshwar suggested that Ramayana should be accepted as the National Book.
