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29 August 2022

On 28th August 2022 professor, Deen Dayal Shukla opened Anaupcharik Sanskrit Centre where 3 months and 1 year Sanskrit courses will be taught.

"आओ सीखें संस्कृत" जी हाँ ! Come and study Sanskrit!


Sanskrit is a classical language of ancient India, believed to have originated in the second millennium BCE. It is considered to be one of the oldest languages in the world and is the primary liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Sanskrit is known for its complex grammar, rich vocabulary, and its use in the ancient texts and scriptures of India.

Sanskrit was the language of the Vedic civilization of ancient India, and it was used to compose the Vedas, the earliest sacred texts of Hinduism. It was also the language of the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and other important Hindu texts. The language has a vast and diverse literature, including religious, philosophical, scientific, and literary works.


Sanskrit is a highly inflected language with a complex grammatical structure, which makes it both challenging and rewarding to learn. Its grammatical system includes eight cases, three genders, and three numbers, and it has a vast vocabulary with multiple synonyms for many words. The language also has a unique system of sound, with a set of 48 phonemes and complex rules for their pronunciation.

Despite the decline of the Vedic civilization, Sanskrit remained a vital language in India for centuries. It continued to be used as a language of learning and scholarship, and many important works in different fields were written in Sanskrit. The language also spread to other parts of Asia, including Tibet, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia.



Today, Sanskrit is still used as a liturgical language in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It is also studied as an academic subject in universities around the world, and there is a growing interest in the language for its philosophical, cultural, and linguistic significance. Sanskrit has a unique place in the history and culture of India, and its impact can be seen in various aspects of Indian life and culture.
